Zolid HT+ White - Fantastic whichever way you look at it

The HT stands for highly translucent, the plus for high flexural strength paired with excellent esthetics. In other words, a zirconia for both small as well as big challenges.

71 mm
98 mm


Zolid HT + combines stability and esthetics. In addition to single-tooth restorations, this zirconia is therefore particularly suitable for the fabrication of visually appealing and safe large-span bridges. Optimized milling processing additionally results in even more delicate margin design, offering exceptional edge stability at the same time.

TranslucencyHighly translucent
3-point flexural strength1100 +/- 150 MPa
Atsushi Hasegawa, CDT

Zolid HT+ with higher translucency in combination with high strength is the excellent material for massive multi-unit bridges.

Atsushi Hasegawa, CDTOrgan Dental Lab, Chigasaki, Japan