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New holders for Ceramill Motion 2 and 3 now available!

We are proud to introduce the latest additions to our product portfolio: the C-Clamp holder for the Ceramill Motion 3 and Motion 2 DNA as well as the Ceramill Motion 3 holders for our D-Set and Ti-Preform Systems.


These holders are now available and ready for use with the latest software Upgrade 4.3. All holders feature an auto-calibration function which allows you easy set up and calibration (only possible with the Ceramill Motion 3).

The C-Clamp holder for the Ceramill Motion 2 & 3 provides secure clamping of your workpiece to ensure precise and accurate machining of the anterior tooth region. The Ti-Preform holder for the Ceramill Motion 3 enables efficient machining of Titanium Preforms, while the D-Set allows precise machining of dental prosthesis blanks.

At Amann Girrbach we fully appreciate the importance of quality and reliability in your fabrication processes, which is why we developed these holders to the highest standards using the finest materials.

Your Amann Girrbach partner can provide you with more information and prices.

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