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New software update for NextDent 5100 for Ceramill for even more possibilities

A new software update is available for the NextDent 5100 for Ceramill 3D printer, which includes the entire NextDent product portfolio, such as the new NextDent Cast Blue printing resin with improved material properties. Furthermore, there is also a new firmware available for download in the portal.


As part of the update, the original resin portfolio from NextDent will also be gradually integrated, replacing the NextDent for Ceramill portfolio. You will be able to seamlessly process both versions starting from the next update.

The innovative Ceramill XTP printing material from Amann Girrbach is already integrated into the software. Once the Ceramill XTP portfolio is also available for your country, we will inform you in due time.

The safety data sheets for NextDent for Ceramill and NextDent can be found on our website in the download area.

For more information about the NextDent portfolio here

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